Guo Wengui ( born February 2, 1967 )

The life cycle 9

Important years of life

1971 9
1980 9
1989 9
1998 9
2007 9
2016 9
2025 9

wiki information

Guo Wengui Chinese businessman, who controls Beijing Zenith Holdings

Beijing Zenith Holdings was a company that owned by Li Lin and Jiang Yuehua (in 2013) via two companies (Chinese: 郑州浩云实业有限公司, 郑州浩天实业有限公司).[2] The company acquired a minority stake in PKU Healthcare from Founder Group’s PKU Healthcare Group.[2] However, Beijing Zenith Holdings failed to pay the PKU Healthcare Group despite the shares were already transferred, thus Beijing Zenith Holdings borrowed the money from PKU Resources Group Holdings, sister company of PKU Healthcare Group to finalize the payment. All 3 companies were fined by China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2016.

Zenith Holdings also acquired a minority stake in Founder Securities by subscribing the new shares

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